Tuesday 18 January 2011

Live Event - Tasks 5 & 6

Research Worksheet on the Resource Requirements for an Event
As the Design department you will need to list all of resources required for you to successfully complete your part of the production - this will include everything from equipment and studio use, computer hardware & software needed to complete your designs, transport & printing of promotional material including posters & tickets, venue, manpower and also props and materials needed in your specialist area to bring the idea to fruition. I will be creating a worksheet for your to complete for this task.

Investigate the Financial Viability of Staging an Event
Using the following links and sites compile a budget for how much the event would cost you to stage in industry without the resources you have available to you in college. You will need to list all of the resources that you will need in your department and then work out how much they would cost you if the live event was staged 'professionally'.

You will need to use these links as a basis for your investigations to produce a detailed list of photographic budgetary requirements - using the Estimate handout sheet provided as a guide.

Don't forget the different requirements of the publicity and design surrounding the event will have different rates and fees for the various roles and applications. Photography work for example can be categorised into Editorial - magazine/newspapers, Public Relations etc. Your rate would depend on where the work was going to be used or who commissioned it originally - the same also applies to any design work. Your research must reflect these different outlets for the images & design/publicity work.


For information on any equipment or studio hire you would need to shoot, light and create your promotional images use the following links;

Submit this work with the rest of your Live Event assignment work to Jon Saward or Tim Holmes on 14.2.11.